New releases for 29 October 2021

We kick off our pick of this week’s releases with The War On Drugs, who have steadily emerged over the past 15 years as one of this century’s great rock-and-roll synthesists, removing the gaps between the underground and the mainstream, between the obtuse and the anthemic, making records that wrestle a fractured past into a…

New releases for 20 November 2020

This week’s six smashers start with Live In Maui, a concert from 1970 with a blu-ray featuring the documentary ‘Music, Money, Madness… Jimi Hendrix In Maui’, which chronicles the Jimi Hendrix Experience’s storied visit to Maui and how they became ensnared with the ill-fated Rainbow Bridge movie produced by their controversial manager Michael Jeffery. Note:…

New releases for 25 August 2017

Kicking off 25 August’s releases we have Villains, the seventh album from Josh Homme’s band Queens Of The Stone Age, who have managed the tricky feat of producing an album that moves their sound forward but still sounds like the Queens. Even if you can’t make it to their in-store album launch, The Loved Ones…