Live music in March

We’ve got a couple of exciting in-store performances coming up in March. First, I’m delighted to let you all know that award-winning folk band Breabach will be performing in store on Saturday 12th March at 1.30pm, just one day after the release of their new album Astar! Check them out on their website and come…

Live in-store performances for October and November

We’ve got a couple of in-store performances coming up, to bring to your attention. First, on 17 October at 2.30pm, Continental Liaison will bring their lo-fi electro-pop to Hundred Records. Then on 21 November at 2.30pm, Ray ‘Chopper’ Cooper, former mainstay of folk legends Oysterband, will be with us. Check Ray’s website for more details.…

Simpson Cutting Kerr live in store, 26 June

Friday brought the latest in a line of fabulous live music in store, when the multi-award-winning trio Martin Simpson, Andy Cutting and Nancy Kerr took time out of their touring schedule to play at Hundred Records. These three acknowledged masters of their trade roared through six songs taken largely from their latest CD, Murmurs, to…